Snoozing Inbox notifications

bug fix

Inspired by many of the new email tools, we've added snoozing of issue notifications to Linear's Inbox. Not all notifications require immediate action, or you might want to wait for more information, so now it's easier to get to Inbox Zero by snoozing notifications. Just hit 

Improved issue merge

We improved and simplified merging of duplicate issues. Now when you merge an issue into another issue, the duplicate issue's source attachments (e.g. Zendesk ticket) are moved to the canonical issue. This means that as you merge new duplicate issues into the canonical issue, all user reports are tracked in one place. If you have enabled customer support automation with Zendesk, all the relevant discussions will be reopened when the issue has been resolved. To keep things simple, we removed the ability to mark issues as duplicate from the canonical issue: you can only take the action to merge an issue from the duplicate issue, not the other way around.

New setting for team priority ordering

Linear offers multiple ways to order issues in lists through view options, from manual to automatic. Historically we have defaulted to priority ordering and pushed issues without priorities to the top of the list to encourage you to set the prioirity. This week we added a new team level setting which lets you decide if the issues without a set priority are shown first or last. To change the setting, find the Priorities section under your team's General settings

Fixes and improvements

  • Linear's GitHub App now works with GitHub Enterprise Cloud if you have IP allow list enabled. Just enable the "Enable IP allow list configuration for installed GitHub Apps" setting.
  • Use the new "Add attachment from URL..." action to add any external links to your issues as attachments
  • You can now drag and drop all projects in the timeline
  • Fixed an issue where keyboard shortcuts didn't work on sub-issues on the issue page