Intercom integration new

bug fix
Intercom integration new

Intercom integration

Working with your customers is a critical part of building a high-quality product. As companies scale, many customer requests are piped into customer success tools such as Intercom. This is why we're excited to add Intercom to Linear's growing set of integrations for customer support.

With the Intercom integration, your customer success teams can now quickly file bug reports into Linear from within Intercom and link feature requests to existing issues. New issues can be created directly from the Intercom interface and then triaged by your product team. We create links between the Intercom and Linear issue and show the issue's status and assignee in the Intercom sidebar. This makes it easy for your support team to view and comment on the Linear issue or share status updates with customers, and for the product team to reach out with follow up questions to the support agent or customer.

We also added an automation which re-opens and updates Intercom conversations after the issue has been resolved (or canceled), so your customer success team can get back to the customer to update them on the progress. The integration makes it easier for your product team to prioritize their work based on customer needs and build a tighter feedback loop with your customers.

To enable the Intercom integration, install our app from the 

Fixes and improvements

  • Fixed a bug where incorrect issues would be listed when having selected 
  • It's now always possible to add issues with templates. Previously this would not be possible if there was no one specific team on screen
  • Fixed a bug where quickly selecting, then deselecting a label would make the label to go into an incorrect state
  • Make actions taken when copying branch name undoable